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NOVEMBER 24, 2007


Respected Excellency,

                        Namaskar. I am a Nadi astrologer predicted to so many Diplomats -I predicted to Mr. Shashi Tharoor, the U.N. Under Secretary General about his defeat in the U. N. Secretary General election. I am in this field of reading & predicting the Nadi for the past 70 years. So many magazines appreciated my correct Predictions. I have enclosed a copy of one such article for your consideration Your Highness I had read Nadi to Saadddam Hussain the former Iraq President- about his ill fate(see the copy of the articles enclosed). So nadi predictions are absolutely correct and it shows us the right way.  I have found the following predictions about you in the nadi. All the predictions are found in Sanskrit slogans and I translated them without breaking the sense. I pray you please spare a few seconds for this prediction.


                        The Nadi says, “You are living like a SANYASIN at heart. No one is equal to you as you are discharging all your duties with an involvement. You are not craze after power and wealth. This is the last birth to you. Till death, you will work (no rest to you). You are blessed with your life partner. Till death she will serve- but at the same time she will never ask anything for her sake. Her purity, prayers will form a shield around you- protecting you from all evils. She has been the epitome of INDIAN family traditional womanhood- dedicating her life to her husband and an ideal wife to you in every sense of the word. She is an exemplary housewife and has been a beloved mother –who gave the children the right value in becoming good Indian Citizens. She is the only guiding light- always.   Can you show a woman like her? You are not Rama(not pure) but she is no doubt – a SITA(very pure). YOU WILL MARRY TWICE. You are blessed with your life partner. This was the original wife in your previous birth also. Your first wife is your duty. This is your last birth. Your anger and tension are reduced considerably  to a good percentage- kindly make it zero. You were created only to serve to the poor- suffering class- suppressed class people. Not to enjoy the happiness of life. You will be used a ladder for others up lift. You will see God eye to eye and you will live up to 72 years of age. Your Holy and Pious life partner will leave you alone. You will never touch others money- but all will eat your money and will be ungrateful. You are your Guru and all positions will come to you automatically. God is in the subtle form with you. A lot of bad visions on you- some BLACK MAGIC which form an obstacle to your development. Money comes and fly away from your hand. Those who are not equal in knowledge and hard working are making good money and leading a better life. This is because of the Black Magic. Pl remove this by keeping -this must be eliminated by keeping the Thirusti Nasan Laxmi Guber Yanthra. Try to be a non- alcoholic. Try to fast on Saturdays. Avoid wearing black colour cloths. Do not speak openly. Cut short your anger. Your knowledge is more than your age. ”

              Your Highness, in my 70 years of experience, I had not come across such a good prediction.

Thanking You, Your Excellency.

I remain

Yours Obediently




Name:  Mr.Jitendra

Name of Rega (Thumb Print): Aravuchcheeri Rega

Name of Nadi:  Guru Nadi




Tamil Year:  Kalayukthi

Tamil Month: Chittirai

Tamil Date:  5

Tamil Day:   Tuesday

Tamil Star:   Magam

Tamil Raasi: Simmam (Leo)

Tamil Lagna: Thulaam (Libra)


     1.General        Ghandham


First Of All By Praying Lord Shiva And His Consort Shakthi,The Supreme Preceptor Of The Universe  Sre Kagabujandar Starts This Holy Nadi Booklet.The Regha Formed On Your Right  Thumb Is Named As Aravuchcheeri Rega And The Nadi Is Guru Nadi.


Only Your Mother is Alive Atpresent.As Per Tamil Calender You Born On Tamil Year Kalayukthi Year With Chiththirai  Month.On Fifth Day, Tuesday with Magam Star With Simmam (Leo) Raasi And Thulaam(Libra)Ascendent Period You Born Over This World.


Now,Guruji Tells About The Formation Of Planets During The Time Of Your Birth.The Lord Kethu Placed There In Meenam(Pisces).Then,Lord Moon Placed there in Mesham(Aries).Then Lords Sun and Mercury Placed There  In Rishabam(Taurus).


Then Lord Jupiter and Venus  Placed There in Mithunam(Gemini).Then Lord Mars Placed There In Kadagam(Cancer).Then Lord Saturn Placed There in Simmam(Leo).Then,Lord Raghu Placed There in Kanni(Virgo).These Are All The Formation Of Planets During The Time Of Your Birth.


Now,At The Age Of Twenty Six Running,You Are Asking This Divine Nadi Booklet.You Are having Technical Educational Qualifications Atpresent.You are having Two sisters Atpresent.Only one of your Sister is married Atpresent.


You are Unable to get a stable income sources through the definite professional sources.Now,You are Living with more Problems and Questions on your Life.You are not having good Relationship with your Mother Also.You are having more faith on Divine Life.


You are doing Personal research Also About Spiritual Life.You had the Vision of your favourite Spiritual God Also on your dream.Now,You Are Unmarried.Now You are affected by More Depressions which is due to Bad Habitations of Life.


But,You will get Cured from it day by day through Siddha System of Indian Medicine.First of All You are advised to perform remedies for your last birth sins.You Are Advised to Donate a Cow(Komatha) to Sre Kagabujandar Guru Temple through the Guruji Through whom you are receiving this Nadi Predictions.


If,you perform the above remedies your health position will surely get improved based on Divine Blessings.Within a Year You will find your Soulmate and At the Age of Twenty Seven Running,You will get married with Her Based on Intense of Love and You will Surely Find Happiness on your life based on Divine Graces.


At the Age of Twenty Seven Running,You will find a very good Job in a private Company and you will get good prospects through it.At the Age of Twenty Nine Running,You will Start a Own Business Connected with Herbal Medicine and you will get shined on it based on Divine graces.


Within the Age of Thirty Running,You will get one male Child and One Female Child as Children. Based on Divine graces and your deep prayers Your Grandmother will reborn to you as your female Child.At the Age of Thirty Two Running,You will purchase a real Property by own based on Divine Graces.


At The Age Of Thirty Four Running,You Will Get Some Misunderstandings With Your Wife,But It Will Be Solved Shortly.At The Age Of At The Age Of Thirty Seven Running,You Will Purchase More Real Properties By Own.During This Period,You Will Enjoy Satifactory Life With Your Wife.


At The Age Of Forty Running,You Will Get More Income Sources On Your Own Business Carrier.At The Age Of Forty Two Running,You Will Get Some Misunderstandings With Your Wife  And It Will Be Solved Within A Year Based on Divine Graces.


During This Period You Will Face Some Troubles Also On Your Professional Carrier.At The Age Of Forty Five Running,You Will Get More Financial Resources And You Will Become Wealthy and You Will Enjoy Your Personal Life With More Satisfactions.


During this period You will be affected by some enmity Troubles Also.At The Age Of Forty Six Running,You Will Buy Some Properties By Own.At The Age Of Forty Eight Running,You Will Be Affected By Some Diseases,But After Treatments You Will Be Alright.


At The Age Of Fifty Running,You Will Get Promotions On Your Own Business.At The Age Of Fifty Two Running,You Will Get Some Misunderstandings And Litigations With Your Wife,But Based On Divine Blessings It Will Be Solved Shortly.


At The Age Of Fifty Four Running,You Will Buy More Properties With Pleasures.At The Age Of Fifty Six Running,You Will Face Some Family Troubles,But Based On Divine Blessings It Will Be Solved Shortly.At The Age Of Fifty Eight Running,You Will Met With A Small Accident.


But You Will Be Saved  Based On Divine Blessings.At The Age Of Sixty Running,You Will Get More Spiritual Blessings Through Different Spiritual Resources.At The Age Of Sixty One Running,You Will Get Good Prospects Through Your Children.


At The Age Of Sixty Two Running,You Will Get More Upliftments On Financial Sources.At The Age Of Sixty Four Running,You Will Do A Own Business And You Will Get Good Upliftments On Your Business Carrier.At The Age Of Sixty Six Running,You Will Be Affected By Some Sickness,But Shortly You Will Be Cured.


At The Age Of Sixty Seven Running,Your Wife Will Be Affected By Some Diseases Which Leads To More Expenses To The Family.Just Above The Age Of Sixty Nine Running,You Will Live In This World.You Are Advised To Do Remedies For Your Last Birth Sins Procedurally To Get Turning Point On Your Life.


Your Name Is Explained As Jitendra.Your Father's Name Is Explained As Venugopala Pisharady,And Your Mother's Name Is Explained As Krishnakumari.Thus, By Advising You To Follow The Ways Of This Nadi Booklet,The Supreme Preceptor Of The Universe Sre Kagabujandar Ends This Nadi Booklet With Wishes.


               & nbsp;               &nbs p;                & nbsp;               &nbs p;     10.Profession Ghandham


First Of All By Praying Lord Shiva And His Consort Shakthi,The Supreme Preceptor Of The Universe  Sre Kagabujandar Starts This Profession Ghandham Nadi Booklet.The Regha Formed On Your Right Thumb Is Named As Aravuchcheeri Rega And The Nadi Is Guru Nadi.


As Per Tamil Calender You Born On Tamil Year Kalayukthi Year With Chittirai Month.On Fifth Day,Tuesday With Magam Star And Simmam(Leo) Raasi And Thulaam(Libra) Lagna (Ascendent)Period You Born Over This World.


The Formation Of Planets Are Good During The Time Of Your Birth.Now,At The Age Of Twenty Six Running You Are Asking This Nadi Booklet. Now,You Are Unemployed. At the Age of Twenty Seven Running,You will find a very good Job in a private Company and you will get good prospects through it.


At the Age of Twenty Nine Running,You will Start a Own Business Connected with Herbal Medicine and you will get shined on it based on Divine graces.At The Age of Thirty Two Running,You will Face Some Enmity Troubles On Your Place of Profession.But,You will Get Restored From It Shortly Based On Divine Graces.


At The Age Of Thirty Six Running,You Will Get Good Promotion On Your Business carrier.During This Period You Will get a post on Public life which will lead to very good Prospects On Your Life.At The Age Of Thirty Seven Running,You Will Face Some Problems On Your Place Of Business.


But, It Will Be Alright Very Soon.At The Age Of Thirty Nine Running,You Will Start A New Business Connected With   Contracts.The New Business Will Leads To Good Prospects Very Soon.At The Age Of Forty Running,You Will Face Some Enmity Troubles On Your Place Of Business.


At The Age Of Forty One Running,Your Own Business Connected With Finance And Investments Will Leads To More Good Prospects To You.At The Age Of Forty Five Running You Will Get Good Income Sources And Satisfactions On Two Of Your Business Sources.


At The Forty Six Running You Will Get Good Promotions  And Upliftments On Your Business Carriers.At The Age Of Forty Eight Running You Will Get Some Losses On Your Business,But It Will Be Restored Shortly Based on Divine Graces.At The Age of Fifty Running,Your Professional Position Will Be In Bright Position.


At The Age Of Fifty One Running,You Will Get Good Prospects On Your Share Markets Business. At The Age Of Fifty Two Running You Will Face Some Problems On Your Job, But It Will Be Restored Shortly Within Six Months.At The Age Of Fifty Five Running You Will Get A Turning Point On Three Of Your Business Carrier. 


At The Age Of Fifty Eight Running You Will Face Some Troubles  On Your Place Of Business.But It Will Be Restored Shortly Based On Divine Blessings.At The Age Of Sixty Running You Will Get Normal Prospects On Your Business.During This Period You will be Engaged on Some Divine Social Services Also. 


At The Age Of Sixty Two Running You Will Get Good Promotions On Your Business With Abroad Connections.At The Of Sixty Four Running, You Will Start Own Business Connected With Technical Materials And You Will Be Succeeded On Your Own Buisness Carrier.


At The Age Of Sixty Five Running,You Will Get Good Prospects On Your Business Carrier.Later Up To The End Of Your Life You Will Get Good Prospects On Your Business Carrier.Thus By Advising You To Follow Remedies Of This Nadi Booklet, The Supreme Preceptor Of The Universe Sre Kagabujandar Ends This Nadi Booklet With Wishes.


               & nbsp;               &nbs p;                               & nbsp;      17.Political Ghandham


First Of All By Praying Lord Shiva And His Consort Shakthi,The Supreme Preceptor Of The Universe  Sre Kagabujandar Starts This Political Ghandham Nadi Booklet.The Regha Formed On Your Right Thumb Is Named As Aravuchcheeri Rega And The Nadi Is Guru Nadi.


As Per Tamil Calender You Born On Tamil Year Kalayukthi Year With Chittirai Month.On Fifth Day,Tuesday With Magam Star And Simmam(Leo) Raasi And Thulaam(Libra) Lagna (Ascendent)Period You Born Over This World.


The Formation Of Planets Are Good During The Time Of Your Birth.Now,At The Age Of Twenty Six Running You Are Asking This Nadi Booklet. Now,You Are already Engaged in Political life and likes to know any bright future is there on Political carrier.


At the Age of Twenty Eight Running,You will a get a post on a Political Party and you will get name and fame among the society.At The Age of Thirty Two Running,You will Face Some Enmity Troubles On Your Political life,But it will be restored Shortly Based On Divine Graces.


At The Age Of Thirty Seven Running,You Will participate on Public Election and you will be selected as a representative of the Public on Local Administration.Your status will get raised well day by day based on Spiritual Blessings.


At The Age Of Thirty Nine Running,You Will a get a Honorable post on a social service organisation and you will do more social services to the society.At The Age Of Thirty Nine Running,You Will face some ligations and bad name on Political life.


Later upto the Age of Forty Two Running,you will not shine on Political life. At The Age Of Forty One Running,You will again selected by the public and you will get a post on legislation.You will be shined well on your carrier during this period.At The Age Of Forty Five Running You Will Get more income sources on Political life.


At The Age of Forty Six Running,You Will do more Divine services to the society.At The Age Of Forty Eight Running You Will be praised by more people and leaders for your great works on social services.At The Age of Fifty Running,You will face some troubles on your social life.


From the Age of Fifty to Sixty ,You will get a Honorary post on a Political party and you will not directly enter on Public Administration.Later, At The Age Of Sixty Running You Will again elected for legislation and you will get a Chife post on Governmental Administration.


Later from the Age of Sixty Five running,You will be engaged on Different Divine Services and You will get the Blessings of Different Spiritual leaders upto the End of Your life.Thus By Advising You To Follow Remedies Of This Nadi Booklet, The Supreme Preceptor Of The Universe Sre Kagabujandar Ends This Nadi Booklet With Wishes.


With Divine Blessings,

Sre Bhaaskharan Guruj


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