First, let me wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year! My hope for you is that 2008 is your "break out" year, the year that changes your life and that of your family and that you attain the success, the income, and the lifestyle that you desire! We are committed to doing whatever we can to make that possible and together, as a team, we can accomplish big things in 2008!

Second, I also want to extend my appreciation for the support and words of encouragement that I have received from many of you over the past few weeks as we prepare to introduce our amazing Mangosteen Plus product and the VEMMA opportunity into India and your efforts as well as your patience do not go unnoticed!

I have spent many hours on the phone, on IM, or via email with many leaders and team members from India and I look forward to working with you and meeting you in the near future. I believe that India will be the #1 team in VEMMA, the #1 country of the more than 40 countries that VEMMA is currently open in, but in order to make that happen, it will require a team effort! Everyone's contributions, no matter how big or small, can have a profound impact on the ultimate outcome!

Over the next few weeks, you will begin to see the key components to the launch in India being unveiled, in some cases a sneak preview where what you will see is not yet fully complete or functional, but you will see it so that you can get the look and feel for what it will utlimately look like or how it will eventually function. A case in point is the official website! We hope to be able to let you see a preview of it in the next week!

In addition, there have been several noticeable enhancements to your website, such as the addition of the Dr. Edwards audio clip and in the back office the Mangosteen Plus product brochure, the Tell A Friend email, and much more!

We have also added the ability for you to change your personal information in the back office! This is important for those of you that took more than one position in your name as VEMMA only allows ONE position per person, although one spouse can sponsor the other spouse. If you took more than one position in your name, you will need to log into the back office of your other positions and change the first and last name fields and other appropriate fields to the name of a family member or you may choose to give that position to a friend or someone you'd like to recruit.

If you took more than one position, be sure to only be sponsoring people to your original position, unless you are also building a position for your spouse.

Each day we continue to make tremendous progress in order to have the foundation in place in order to be able to officially launch in the next several weeks, but as any of you know who have business experience or who have held leadership roles in previous network marketing companies, any time you undertake a project of this magnitude, there are always unanticipated events that can cause a temporary delay such as a glitch, government red tape when it comes to paperwork and approvals, shipping issues, getting enough people hired and trained, etc., not to mention the various holidays where people took time off to spend with their families.

We are attempting to do in several months what would normally take 6-12 months to do, but I would rather have them temporarily delay the launch in order to make sure that a solid foundation is in place, than to launch just to meet an announced date and not have the necessary foundation in place. We need to have a "long term perspective." Everything is being done to secure a successful launch and a long term future for all of us!

Remember, I am a distributor, just like you, and I want to make sure that all the ingredients for our success are in place, and if it means an extenstion or two in the pre-launch, then I would rather have them do that than to do what many companies do, which is to pre-launch without a solid foundation in place, without the proper resources, and without a sufficient amount of product, as that usually ends up in a disaster.

Rest assured, VEMMA is opening in India! Others may still have some doubts, so here are a few points to consider that should raise your confidence level!

*VEMMA is 3 years old, operates in more than 40 countries, and has never missed a commission run in 3 years!

*VEMMA's flagship product, Mangosteen Plus, is recommended by many leading doctors, is in the P.D.R., the Physician's Desk Reference, and was recently featured in Esquire magazine where is was highlighted as the world's premiere liquid nutritional supplement!

*VEMMA was recently featured on the front cover of Work at Home magazine and a FOX TV News
affiliate recently did a news story which featured B.K. Boreyko, VEMMA's owner!

*VEMMA has people earning from up to hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars on a weekly basis with its lucrative 2 team (binary) pay plan!

*VEMMA is owned by a 14 year old company with over $1 billion in sales and which is recognized as a world leader in the field of liquid supplements and is a member of the DSA, the Direct Seller's Association, a trade group in which your membership must be approved based on meeting various business and ethical standards!

*We have numerous leaders in India with a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience involved, people who have been very successful in previous opportunities!

*We will have an office/shipping facility in Delhi open the first day we officially launch (many companies have opened without having an office and shipping facility and still do not have one after 6 months!)

*We will be shipping product the first day we are opened (many distributors in other companies after 6 months still have to go to other countries to get product and bring it back to India!)

As you can see, there is a tremendous amount of credibilty with the VEMMA products and opportunity, and there is much to be excited about as we introduce our world class product and lucrative opportunity into the India marketplace.

Please do not let some unexpected delays affect your excitement level nor your confidence! How you react is how your people will react! If you remain excited, positive, and continue sponsoring new people, most of your people will, too and your business will see continued growth and momentum! Mine has!

If you react negatively, express frustration and doubt, stop promoting and talking to new people, so will those on your team, and your growth and momentum will stop, which is the last thing that you want happening just as we are geting close to the finish line!

Nobody wants India to be opened as fast as I do! I have over 5,000 people below me! Yet, every day I continue to work, putting in 18 hours a day answering emails, talking to people, putting up ads on the Internet, etc., all in spite of any of the challenges or the delays because I know that 1) we have a well known and respected company with a proven track record, a powerful product, and a lucrative moneymaking opportunity in an industry that is filled with companies that lack the essential resources in order to be successful and so they are here today and gone tomorrow, taking your hopes and dreams with them, and 2) most important, those of us that are pioneers who continue to move ahead, in spite of temporary delays, are the ones who will reap the most fruit!

Here is how I look at any extension right now: Great! It gives me another few weeks to build an even bigger team! More importantly, it gives all the new people who have just registered and who are excited about the opportunity to have more people below them by the time we officially launch, which means their first check will be bigger than it otherwise would have been!

Attitude and perspective are very important at this point, especially if you are going to be a pioneer and a leader! Pioneers blaze the trail, and in doing so, they have to deal with issues or face a few more arrows than those who will follow later, but they also have the opportunity to have the biggest groups and the biggest checks because they were the ones to lead the charge!

Are you talking to lots of people every day? Are you running any of the sample ads in your back office? Are you continuing to sponsor people and setting an example for your team? Are you doing 3 way calls with people you've enrolled and helping them get their key people sponsored? Are you maintaining a positive attitude and encouraging and supporting people on your team?

If you are not doing these things, then it doesn't matter whether the company opened on time or whether they extended the pre-launch, does it? In fact, if you haven't been doing these things, extending the pre-launch is actually beneficial to you! (In fact, it's ironic that the few people who have complained about the pre-launch being extended are the people who have done the least, who have the fewest number of people below them! You would think their perspective would be, "Great.
I've got some more time to build a bigger group so that I have a bigger your first check when they open." Instead, they complain, but opening wouldn't have done a thing for their check! In fact, many of them wouldn't even have had a check if we had opened on the intended date, so I'm not sure why they would be complaining.)

As you begin the new year, what are your dreams and goals? Do you have them written down? Do you think about them every day? Most important, what are you doing each day to achieve those goals?

How many people are you going to refer in the next 30 days? How many people do you want in your left team and your right team in the next 30 days? How big do you want your first check to be? What do you want your monthly income to be after 90 days? 6 months? 1 year?

What is your game plan to achieve your goals? Are you talking to people every day and referring them to your website? Are you sending out the "Tell A Friend" email to people you know? Are you using any of the sample ads in your back office and putting them up on various places on the Internet? Are you in touch with those that you have referred on a regular basis and doing 3 way calls with them to help them enroll their top prospects?

More importantly, the answers to these questions will determine your numbers over the next 30-90 days, which are critical to you getting off to the fastest and biggest start possible!

Let's make 2008 your best year ever! I hope you enjoy the New Year's holiday with your family, but once it's over, we need to focus and make a big push over the next few weeks!

Have a safe and happy new year!


Ken Stewart
India Pre-launch leader


Welcome to the VEMMA India team! You have made perhaps the smartest business decision of your life as you have been placed in the next highest position available in one of my 2 teams of the
person whose website you visited!

If someone sends you an email or asks if you are in VEMMA, you can tell them the answer is YES! We’ve got you in the VEMMA India database and you can now begin contacting key people that
you know and start building your 2 teams.

Keep in mind that over the next few weeks you may see people being placed below you as a result of the efforts of your enroller and those above you in the VEMMA India

Your enroller is: Ani Gopalakrishnan
Enroller Phone number: 469 951 2644
Enroller Email:

It’s imperative that during our pre-launch campaign that you get to as many people with M.L.M (network marketing) experience as possible, refer them to the website you have been issued, and get them positioned below you before someone else gets to them first!

Your website address to refer people to is:

One good person in your left team and one good person in your right could make you a fortune! Right now you are one of the first to even know we are coming to India! DO NOT let this once in a lifetime opportunity slip through your fingers!

Take immediate action and get to every key person that you know before someone else does or it could cost you a fortune! You will never be able to say that you were never in the right place at the
right time! You will never be able to say that you never had an opportunity to be one of the first ones in a company that became a giant!


Our recommendation is to personally refer 6-8 people in each of your 2 teams (your left team and your right team) as quickly as you can. You can designate which team someone is placed in with your “Placement Allocator” which is located in your back office.

We suggest sponsoring a few people into the team that is currently designated with your placement allocator, and once you have referred a few people, then log into your back office and switch the placment allocator to the opposite team. Once you have referred a few people into the other team, then log in to your back office and switch the placement allocator back and refer a few more people into the team designated.

Once you have 6-8 people referred in each team, then you will set your placement allocator to where it will place new people into the smaller of your 2 teams.

The excitement is building as we quickly approach our target launch date of January 15th, so take action now!

Here’s your next step: Click on the link below and log in to your back office with your user name and password. Then click on Tell A Friend. Copy and paste the message shown and send it to through your current email provider to every key prospect that you know, especially if they have network marketing experience!

Be sure to click on the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions and review the information.

Click here now!
Your user name is: opensmart

Note: Be sure that you designate our emails to be accepted by your current email provider so that you don’t miss any of the important emails that will be sent by


Reserve My Position/VEMMA India Support Team

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